BIWS Platinum, Venture Capital, and Project Finance Course Prices Increasing on July 1st, 2024
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Sales and trading interview questions are a bit of a paradox because they’re both easier and more difficult than investment banking interview questions. They’re easier…
If you go by online commentary, quant funds, also known as “quantitative hedge funds" or "quant hedge funds," have taken over the world. Rather than…
At some point, almost everyone “becomes interested” in Big 4 Transaction Services (TS) teams: Auditors fantasize about escaping from a boring, repetitive grind and moving…
Hardly anything in the modern finance industry is truly “new,” but direct lending might come closest. Private debt markets have always existed, but direct lending…
While everyone is obsessed with exit opportunities into hedge funds and private equity, the Venture Capital Associate path often gets overlooked. One reason is the…
What do you do as a startup CFO? You can Google this question and find dozens of articles, each one presenting a different idea of…
If I put together a list of the longest-running “unfulfilled requests” on this site and BIWS, infrastructure private equity would be near the top of…
In a status-crazed world, few things inspire as much status comparison, fear, and insecurity as the direct promotion from Analyst to Associate in investment banking.…
You can find plenty of articles that explain hedge fund vs. mutual fund differences, but most of them focus only on the business model. Good…
Hardly anyone likes to be in the “mid-level” at normal companies, but if there’s one mid-level role that’s desirable, it might just be the FP&A…