Comments on: Business Valuation Firms: The Best Backdoor into Investment Banking and Private Equity? Discover How to Get Into Investment Banking Wed, 05 Jun 2024 23:06:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: M&I - Brian Fri, 08 Mar 2024 16:39:47 +0000 In reply to Rushi.

I can’t comment on any of that, sorry, as I know nothing about the Indian certifications or how they apply to the U.K.

By: M&I - Brian Fri, 08 Mar 2024 16:38:51 +0000 In reply to John S. Hull.

I’m not sure what you are asking for here because I can’t tell if this is a real question or marketing for your services. If you’re marketing your services, fine, but it seems quite strange to not even mention your company name if you’re doing that (???).

If you’re asking a real question, valuation firms are not going to use ROI, hurdle rates, and IRR in their valuations because the clients are paying these firms to get the valuations they want to see. Buyers care about the return they can earn on deals and investments, but the selling client companies simply want to maximize their valuation in a sale regardless of what the buyer earns.

There are some exceptions for more sophisticated/larger companies, but this is common for anything small. But, again, I don’t really understand why/what you’re asking about here, so…

By: Rushi Tue, 05 Mar 2024 09:52:09 +0000 Hi Sir
Thanks for posting an Insightful artcile.
I am particularly interested in gaining a comprehensive understanding on How person can be valuer in UK. I have following queations;

1. Is there any degree/certificate required for done the Business Valuation (Share valuation) in UK?
2. Can Indian Registered Valuer (ICAI-RVO and IBBI-RVO) can done Business valuation in UK without any certificate or degree of UK law?

if there are any recommended readings or materials that your organization endorses, I would greatly appreciate it if you could share those details with me.

Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter. I look forward to your prompt response and appreciate any guidance you can offer on accessing relevant materials.

By: John S. Hull Sat, 02 Mar 2024 15:24:31 +0000 Dear Brian,
We operate in a specific niche for Corporate, HNWI and PEG buyers that hire us to build ‘Vertical Roll Ups’, using proprietary technology with 100% remote capability for ‘end to end’ deal structuring.
Previously, our sell side deal flow came exclusively from CPAs and in most cases the seller already had a Professional Valuation, however because none used ROI, Hurdle Rates & IRR as the primary driver to determine the value as an investment opportunity, we had to rework them.
We had to develop a training syllabus just for valuations so we could upgrade them and send them back to the originator for a redo.
Is there some particular reason that the folks that specialize in valuations do NOT use ROI, Hurdle Rates & IRR as the main driver?

By: M&I - Brian Wed, 17 Jan 2024 17:02:02 +0000 In reply to Samrat.

The usual answer to anything finance-related in India is “Leave India and move into a better market.” The U.S. would work if you could get a work visa, but Europe is easier in most cases. So I would recommend moving to a Big 4 firm in another country and/or doing something besides pure valuation. Valuation roles are “OK” but not ideal for the long term if you want to earn significantly more or get better exit opportunities. The U.K. is probably the best option in Europe unless you have easy access to a visa/residency in another country there.

By: Samrat Sat, 13 Jan 2024 09:02:33 +0000 Hi Brian
This is a great article. Thank you for providing all this information. As everyone, I too would like to pick your brain over something:
I am currently working in a Big4 (Global Side) in a purely valuation role, in India. I have ~4 years of experience around anything and everything valuation – business valuations, Intangible valuation, PPA, 409As, etc. In order to grow further into valuation role itself, what next step would you suggest:
1) Big4 India side – although, I’ve heard there isn’t much work in India related to valuations
2) Other valuation firms in India – If yes, which firm would be better than Big4 to be working in. I don’t wish to go to smaller/startup valuation firms. I know Kroll is a good option, are there any others?
3) Big4 front office of other countries – e.g. UK, USA, etc.
4) Other valuation firms in other countries – If yes, which firms and country should I apply to given my background?
5) Any other path I have not thought of
Thank you for your patience in reading.

By: M&I - Brian Thu, 19 Oct 2023 02:02:02 +0000 In reply to Jason Ho.

Most certifications, including the CBV, are not that useful for IB roles. Only the CFA really counts for something, and that’s mostly because it has been around for so long, not because it’s useful for IB-style roles.

The CBV might be a bit more useful at a dedicated valuation firm or the valuation group of a Big 4 firm, but still probably isn’t that useful next to everything else (networking, work experience, etc.).

By: Jason Ho Tue, 17 Oct 2023 06:21:13 +0000 Hey Brian,

Thanks for the email – I’m wonder what are your thoughts of the Chartered Business Valuators (CBV) here in Canada? A lot of the transactions folks (FDD/Corporate Finance/Valuation) at a Big 4 in Canada use them, I’m wondering what is their perceived value down in the states?


By: M&I - Brian Wed, 20 Sep 2023 18:39:33 +0000 In reply to Alfred m kisaki.

I do not know what you’re asking, sorry.

By: Alfred m kisaki Fri, 08 Sep 2023 22:41:49 +0000 Hy Mr A,m graduate in the course concerned with valuation but in diploma level how can I work,,,and investing in firms
