Comments on: Family Office Private Equity: The Best Pathway into Finance for Non-Traditional Candidates? Discover How to Get Into Investment Banking Thu, 29 Feb 2024 03:31:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: M&I - Brian Wed, 26 Apr 2023 13:32:38 +0000 In reply to bob.

It’s hard to say because it depends on the specific work you will do there. “Family offices” could involve work that’s more like a sovereign wealth fund or high-level asset manager (e.g., allocate X% to specific sectors), or you could be trading individual stocks or bonds, or you could be doing deals for minority stakes in companies or even entire companies, depending on how the family office is set up.

I would recommend going back to the firm and asking how they are set up, the different investment strategies they use, and what you’ll be working on to assess this. Maybe just ask, at a high level, if it’s more like asset allocation to specific sectors or more like individual company/deal investments.

By: bob Fri, 21 Apr 2023 17:35:57 +0000 Hey Brian, I appreciate the article. Currently I go to a non-target, and I have a 3.3 GPA as a Junior. I just got an an internship at a family office this summer. I have been scouring online what kind of work I will be doing because there isn’t much info on family offices. I am wondering what my career path would be like if I can secure a full-time role after my internship at a family office. I do not think I am competitive for anything like IB or PE any time soon so I kind of want to find a career where I can maybe set my self to have options. Any advice or insight is appreciated.

By: M&I - Brian Wed, 06 Jul 2022 14:23:15 +0000 In reply to Noah.

If your main goal is to win a buy-side/investing role without crazy hours/stress first, you should join the family office. I think it’s not as good as IB for setting you up for future PE roles, but it is still possible to win something in PE coming from a family office (but likely at smaller funds that use off-cycle recruiting).

By: Noah Wed, 29 Jun 2022 22:16:03 +0000 In reply to M&I – Brian.

Thanks for the reply Brian, to add additional context I’ve been out of undergrad for 2 years now – 1 in internal audit and 1 in TAS, (2 years to complete online masters). So is it worth it if I’m able to interview and snag a family office role in the next few months? Or do you think I’ll just have to bite the bullet and go to banking given that I’m still so new to the work force? Another thing worth mentioning is I’m about to turn 26 (extra time in undergrad) and just worried about the impact banking will have on me because I actually know what I’ll be in for…Yeah family office may be the easy way out but I also feel like it may make sense given my age now??

By: M&I - Brian Wed, 29 Jun 2022 17:57:25 +0000 In reply to Noah.

I don’t think a CPA is worth it for a PE role. No one will care, and they will assume you already know accounting quite well from the audit/TAS experience.

I don’t know your exact # of years of work experience, but the best plan usually is to get into banking ASAP and then aim for PE roles.

I don’t think a family office would make it much easier to get into an MM PE firm vs. an IB role. In fact, it might be harder because it’s not the typical path (even though they are related). So it’s probably only worth it if you have an outstanding offer and don’t want to spend more time and take more risk by pursuing IB roles (really depends on how much full-time experience you have).

By: Noah Tue, 28 Jun 2022 21:17:55 +0000 In reply to Noah.

I think it’ll be hard to break into MM PE after family office due to lack of rep but at least ill have broken into private equity and maybe another family office will be on the horizon at least. Not sure if it’s worth the IB years just to not get into PE. Plus I definitely plan on starting another business. (started one and sold it for a small sum) plan on doing it again.

By: Noah Tue, 28 Jun 2022 20:03:57 +0000 Brian – I’ve been in TAS for a year now at a MM acc firm after having moved from internal audit. Concurrently I just finished my part time online MS Finance in May, where the plan was to use the TAS and MSF for another crack at the IB analyst role so I’d have a shot at PE in the future. However, I didn’t account for time and age and life in my plans way back when. If the end goal is PE I’m wondering if you think it’s worth getting my CPA (CFO and rep down the line) before going to a family office, or forego the CPA and go to banking and then MM PE. Granted I may not even be able to recruit for a PE firm and get stuck in banking with no exit ops due to my lack of pedigree out of the gate. State school for undergrad, non target but private for grad. End goal is a MM PE firm, would going to a family office right now be the move? (if given the choice, one likely available) or do I need to go the traditional banking to PE route still?

By: M&I - Brian Wed, 11 Sep 2019 16:53:19 +0000 In reply to Ice.

Not sure about that one, but yes, I imagine the brand name would be an issue. I’d imagine you could probably go to smaller PE funds, corporate development, growth equity, and maybe some hedge funds. But larger companies or finance firms might be difficult because the field is relatively new and most firms are not well-known yet.

By: Ice Tue, 10 Sep 2019 02:49:26 +0000 Any idea on exit opps for a family office PE analyst?
I would imagine the lack of brand name for many would be an issue

By: M&I - Brian Tue, 02 Oct 2018 18:12:52 +0000 In reply to Linz.

I don’t know of any offhand, as we don’t really specialize in recruiters/job placements here but rather on education and training candidates to perform better in interviews and on the job. I’m not sure I would recommend speaking with recruiters if you’re from a very different background, as they tend to want super-specific profiles and are usually not open to people who don’t match up exactly. Networking is probably your best option.
